2 in 1 Identity Prevention Stamp with Package Cutter

$4.05 $7.50 Get Deal
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About this item 2-in1 Use: Roll the identity protection roller and the dark ink will make all text illegible, perfect for covering private info in a clean way; a built-in ABS imitated blade knife helps in opening the box and package, simply poke a hole and scrape Privacy Protection: This Identity Protection Roller Stamps is an ideal choice for privacy and personal information protection. Perfectly hide your personal information, you can cover your personal address and phone number on the courier, bank statement, utility bill to prevent personal privacy from leaking. It can provide the best protection for your information security. Easy to Use: Ink will cover approximately 100 feet and quickly dries.Ink can be refilled in the stamp side when ink runs out. The built-in ABS imitation blade knife helps to open the box and package, just poke a hole to scrape the blade can be gently pushed out for use Save Time: Ink will cover approximately 100% feet and quickly dries.The scroll wheel is very suitable for covering a large range of private information in a fast and clean way, without multiple passes to block your information, just one click.Just one stap,Save your Time. Wide Application: Our cute Identity Protection Roller Stamps is applicable to all regular paper, envelopes and parcel addresses. Just S-WIPE, the information will be covered, no need to shred, The advanced roller cartridge lets us easily mask over long lines of text in a single stroke, quickly mask out our privacy information. It works well on most of regular paper, envelopes, junk mail, package labels and many more items where security is a concern.

2 in 1 Identity Prevention Stamp with Package Cutter
2 in 1 Identity Prevention Stamp with Package Cutter
$4.05 $7.50

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