6 Pcs Artificial Sunflower Bouquet

$8.39 $11.99 Get Deal
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About this item Package: The sunflower bouquet contains 6 artificial sunflowers with stems. Material: The vivid fake sunflowers are made of high quality silk and stem is made of plastic, which can be bent or trimmed. Add a touch of color and romance to your home with these beautiful sunflowers artificial flowers. They're also perfect for floral arrangements, centerpieces, crafts, and more. Lifelike silk sunflowers with stems that remain just as fresh-looking and beautiful year after year. Will never fade or fall off. Perfect all year round decoration. Attentions: Because of packing, the artificial sunflower bouquet may be agminated when you get it. We suggest you adjust each flower as your pleases.

 6 Pcs Artificial Sunflower Bouquet
 6 Pcs Artificial Sunflower Bouquet
$8.39 $11.99

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