Fidget Spinner Toy, Fidget Gyroscope

$3.36 $9.90 Get Deal
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Fidget Gyroscope Fidget Spinner, Anxiety Stress Relief Boredom Killing Time, complies Children's Product Certificate Safe for adult and children. The EDC Gyroscope lets you experience true 3D gyroscopic physics. Compact enough to take with you everywhere, it's elegant movements assist the viewer in understanding gimbal lock, angular momentum and inertia while simultaneously helping to relieve stress and improve focus as you move about your day. A unique and elevated take on traditional fidget toys Perfect for office desk and gift to your loved ones and friends.

 Fidget Spinner Toy, Fidget Gyroscope
 Fidget Spinner Toy, Fidget Gyroscope
$3.36 $9.90

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