Maximum Strength Pepper Spray Self Defense Keychain

$$6.44 $12.88 Get Deal
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About this item MAX STRENGTH - lab tested 1.4% Major Capsaicinoids (MC); one of the highest concentrations in the category 12-FOOT RANGE - point & spray a direct stream up to 12-feet with 12-15 shot-bursts per canister UV MARKING DYE - burning hot formulation includes ultraviolet dye to stain the attacker for police identification SWIPE SAFETY LOCK - swipe left to secure lock and prevent misfires; compact and safe to carry on keychains and purses TWO MILLION WOMEN - trust & carry BLINGSTING since 2013, formulated and bottled in the USA & 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Maximum Strength Pepper Spray Self Defense Keychain
Maximum Strength Pepper Spray Self Defense Keychain
$$6.44 $12.88

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