Portable Tracking Device

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In connection state, when the locator device exceeds the set Bluetooth range, the phone and the locator device will alarm at the same time. View the map position when the locator device is disconnected on the mobile phone. Bluetooth 5.0 technology, extremely low power consumption, key battery CR2032 power supply, standby time is estimated to be more than 6 months, easy to replace. Connect the Bluetooth function of mobile phone, two-way search function, can connect multiple locator devices at the same time. Locator device appearance exquisite fashion, color can be matched with each other, providing unlimited combination of imagination space. It is light and compact, easy to pick up and effortless. The weight of the product is only 7g. You can get it wherever you go

 Portable Tracking Device
 Portable Tracking Device
$3.99 $39.99

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