Toddler Balance Bike
About this item AGES 18 MONTHS -3 YEARS OLD : this kids balance bike with non-pedal is suitable for Kids to learn to ride on and improve their balance, coordination and endurance. It can provide a transition for children to learn bicycles. Your child can also rest their feet on the footboard while riding. AIR-FREE TIRES : This kids balance bike with widened and thickened PU tire will never blow out. The tire is light in weight and has good shock absorption. It has anti-skid patterns to help children overcome various road obstacles. IDEAL GIFT CHOICE : This balance bike toddler suitable for boys and girls aged 18 months-3 years old and give them a surprise for their birthdays and Christmas. EASY TO ASSEMBLE : This convertible balance bike are no complicated steps and tools, it only takes 2 minutes to complete the assembly. AFTER-SALES GUARANTEE : 2 years warranty service, if you have any quality problems with the goods you buy, please feel free to contact us, we will reply and solve the problem within 24 hours.